Tonny Carlsen is week 34 in Nederland voor demo's

Tonny Carlsen Billiard System driebanden/carom wordt 25 augustus om 19:00 gedemonstreerd in BC Horna (Hoorn).

Als biljartverenigingen interesse hebben in een demo van Tonny's systeem, kunnen zij contact met hem opnemen

16 augustus 2017

Onlangs kregen wij een bericht van Tonny Carlsen dat hij in week 34 (21-27 augustus) in Nederland is om zijn biljartsysteem te promoten, en of wij als KNBB hieraan ruchtbaarheid zouden kunnen geven.

Onderstaand, en onverkort, de informatie zoals aan ons toegestuurd door Tonny,



"It is with great pleasure that I have gotten the possibility through BC Horna to give a demonstration of my new development billiard system to carom/3-cushion, which I expect will be a benefit and pleasure for the billiard sport in the future. Personally, I am proud of the result, other people and I have used it and find it very good and an innovation with a big value for our sport.

I will through the demonstration show, how you can use the system from the new started player to the elitist sports player, through the chosen features in the setup. There will be possibility for the attendances to try the system and of course to ask questions.

If you want a sample of the Tonny Carlsen Billiard System, you can go and see some videos on our website and Facebook.



I am looking forward to going to the Netherlands, which has given me many good experiences and friendships for more than 10 years, and with 5 times Dutch Championship for team, I hope that I can give and develop the billiard sport into a better and positive way through my new system.

I hope that there will be a large attendance and that we will get a great evening together and I look forward to seeing you all.

This system we have developed will give the billiard cafe/clubs and the owners a better future. With this new training system we can give your young, older and new customers a new way to practice and playing, it will give them a fantastic value, a new funny way to play carom-three cushion, and of course we hope that we are helping our fantastic sport to grow and that it will keep growing. Furthermore it will give the owner a better business.

My love to this sport I have been practice for more than 43 years, it is with hope for better times, and I will be glad and happy if my system could be a help to this.

My last wish to the KNBB organization is that if you will be so kind to publish at your website and Facebook.

I will be in the Netherlands in week 34, and if there are any café/clubs who want to have a visit, without any obligation, but just for info about what new opportunities I can offer, I will be grateful and happy for your interest and at your service.

If any café/clubs are interested, they can send me a mail at and I hope that you will be so kind to link my website for info.

I’m working for a better future, and I hope the KNBB will support me and your members." :)



Intro (Nederlands): Rolf Slotboom
Tekst (Engels): Tonny Carlsen
Foto's ©Tonny Carlsen

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